Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hair Cut

I know there are only a few people who actually follow this blog and I am not very good about keeping it up to date, but I was wondering if I should get my hair cut. Michelle seems to think it would be helpful if I want people to take me seriously as I get older. I have had long hair since I was about 12 and have grown quite attached to it. I am not sure how thick it is anymore or what types of styles are current. I am not even sure were I would go to get my hair cut. I haven't had someone else cut in about 20 years ago. At the time my hair was quite short. I nearly could have used a bar of soap to wash it. Well, if there are any thought out there let me know.


  1. I just can't picture you with short hair. With that said, when Brandon cut his hair it took me a while to get used to it (and stop being mad he cut it; not really mad, but yeah). Now I couldn't imagine him with long hair anymore. I think that perhaps people would be more likely to take you seriously with shorter hair. They always told us that in interview talks in college. Well that's my opinion. Miss you all!!! Hope you had a Happy Easter!

  2. John, I just cut about eight inches off my hair yesterday and I've had long hair for quite a while, too. Hmm...does your hair grow fast? If so, then I would probably cut it. Sometimes change is nice :)

  3. Is there a reason you need people to take you seriously? If there isn't then do whatever you want. Besides I always took you seriously even with your crazy hippy hair. :-)

  4. yo yo yo! hmm. yeah, i think i am inclined to agree with michelle. future employers may take you more seriously - though it depends on the job. and who's to say that if you cut it now that you just can't grow it back later? i guess you need to figure out why you like and want it and why you'd want to cut it - what's the motivation behind them both?

    i too could not imagine you with short hair, though if you do this, please take pics! before and after!

  5. Although I think long hair on guys is awesome, I think you would look good with short hair too. Change is fun and you can always grow it back!

  6. Thank you all for your posts. I will let you know what I do.

  7. You'll never know if you like it until you try it :-). Plus it'll grow back if you decide you hate it! Summer is coming, after all, and I know that I love it when my hair is shorter for the summer when it's hot outside.

    Much luck on whatever you decide to do!

  8. I know I'm a bit late to comment, but my vote is to cut it. I greatly admire you and think your passion for serving God and sharing His Word is admirable and respectable so I think your hair should match. But even if you never cut it, I'll still respect you. :)
